AL SARH TECHNICAL WORKS L.L.C specializes in painting & Gypsum works. The company was established in 2004 and its emergence was a natural progression to cater for the ever – increasing market sophisticated and requirements.
With Al SARH TECHNICAL WORKS L.L.C client’s can be assured that their orders are processed from start to finish by an experienced team of managers, supervisors, draftsmen and tradesmen who will deliver to their expectations. With a team of highly skilled painters & Gypsum craftsmen. AL SARH TECHNICAL WORKS L.L.C is bound to become synonymous with commitment and quality. In AL SARH TECHNICAL WORKS L.L.C clients would find a reliable name keen on living up to professional and international standard, over and above a company with thorough understanding of the requirements of the local market.
High quality materials used from all the leading suppliers at United Arab Of Emirates. A myriad of combinations are available for interior applications, which testify to the professionalism and expertise of our painters & craftsmen. Each specification is carefully studied to extract the data, sequence and layouts, which best satisfy the visual and aesthetic effects desired for the project in hand. Working with designer, samples and layouts are scrutinized to ensure that the planned results are achieved. Our goal is to become an innovative and leading force in the Middle East in the field of Painting & Gypsum Works for hotels, restaurants, malls, offices showrooms, commercial building, villas etc. Our technical staff are aimed at creating pleasant and captivating environments whether for commercial or residential projects